Bowie fans mourn the starman’s death. Oh, 2016. With the unanimous decision that 2016 was, well, the worst, the media-consuming masses indulged in some cheerful nostalgia—led by some much-needed Strong Female Characters—to fight the … The cast of Hamilton … We laughed, we cried, we raged. We lost far too many vaunted pop culture icons in... 2) Hamilton becomes a sensation both on and off Broadway. From the Academy Awards to the World Series, it seemed that 2016 offered something that all kinds of entertainment-lovers couldn't have predicted. Good, bad, weird, and otherwise. 2016 in entertainment and pop culture: the good, the great, the weird. December 29, 2016 The year is over and we're taking stock. What pop culture drew our eyeballs this year? Solange was the second Knowles sister to have a major pop culture moment in 2016. … 13 pop culture events that defined 2016 1) The world mourns pop icons. And at this point, we don't know anyone who's not ready to say farewell to this long, long, loooong year. Aside from the 2016 presidential election -- pop culture also provided tons to tweet and Facebook about. Take this 2016 quiz that spans everything music, movies, TV, gaming and beyond to check Were you really paying attention to pop culture this year?