Age Adjusted Death Rate Estimates: 2017 Calculations Provided by World Life Expectancy Data Accuracy Not Guaranteed WHO Excludes Cause of Death Data For the following countries: Andorra, Cook Islands, Dominica, Marshall Islands, Monaco, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Saint Kitts, San Marino, Tuvalu. According to the World Health Organization, road traffic injuries caused an estimated 1.35 million deaths worldwide in the year 2016. India has the most fatalities in total while Libya has the most by far on a …
At a rate of 73.4 deaths per 100,000 people, Libya by far has the highest incidence of car accidents anywhere in the world.
Libya experiences the most car accidents in the world, with 73.4 car accidents per 100,000 inhabitants. Road traffic deaths Data by country You are here: By category; Road Safety; Mortality; Road traffic deaths; Quick Links Following Libya in second place is Thailand, with a rate of 36.2 – more than half Libya’s. Road motor vehicles are attributed to the countries where they are registered, while deaths are attributed to the countries in which they occur.
This list of countries by traffic-related death rate shows the annual number of road fatalities per capita per year, per number of motor vehicles, and per vehicle-km in some countries in the year the data was collected..
The following charts show the countries with the highest and lowest road traffic death rates, according to 2015 WHO estimates. Deaths on the road are most frequent in low and middle-income nations and they dominate the top of the WHO's list. The top three is completed by Malawi, with a rate of 35 deaths per 100,000. This indicator is measured in number of accidents, number of persons, per million inhabitants and million vehicles. In 2013, low- and middle-income countries had higher road traffic fatality rates per 100 000 population (24.1 and 18.4, respectively) Distribution of road traffic deaths by type of road user Almost half of all deaths on the world’s roads are among those with the least protection – …