Therefore, new RNG manipulation methods for Triple Triad are necessary.) share. Exit keeps the same path as it was before. Is there a soft reset in this port, anyone knows?
67% Upvoted. Edit as of Oct 3 2019: This acts like a hard reset according to RNG, not a soft reset.
The RNG while breeding keeps staying the same.
Also, is there any kind of mod replacing those B1-B10 ugly buttons? Is there a way to soft reset?
On PS1 it was L1+R1+L2+R2+Start+Select but it doesn't seem to work that way here. The Exit option they've added to the menu acts as a hard reset, too. Joined: Jan 13, 2017.
Shiratori Ascended Member. 4 comments. Seems you can’t soft reset. That means that a number of key strategies for taming the otherwise-annoying Triple Triad rule-changing mechanics are no longer valid. Enjoy the … New "Exit" option added to main menu, which seems to replace soft reset (L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + START + SELECT on PS1, Ctrl + R on PC. 1.5 seconds To Soft reset FF8: hold Ctrl+R for approx. FF7 PS4 Soft Reset. Guess we … Turning game off and on when I want to reset is painfully long, and a necessity for the cards and spreading/abolishing rules throughout the world with the Card Queen. Messages: 79 Likes Received: 44. … Close application is the same.
This thread is archived. I’ve tried all buttons, shoulder pads and stuff to try and soft reset. It seems like the old L1+R1+L2+R2+Select+Start combo no longer works for soft resets. Discussion in 'General' started by Shiratori, Apr 2, 2018. The soft reset was hardcoded into the PS1 bios and worked for every ps1 game; But this is the PC version of FFVIII and it's on the PC, So No the soft reset doesn't exist. To Quit FF8: hold Ctrl+Q for approx. I tried quiting via the menu and also holding the PS4 button and closing the game. Apr 2, 2018 #1. save hide report. 1.5 seconds One last note, you can't be in any menus when you hold the keys.