Three small campuses will serve 180 students starting August 2016. This article is aimed at those incredibly multifaceted professionals who have to juggle dozens of deadlines every day and still do a superlative job of getting the word out about their school. As you continue through the hiring process and ramp up your fundraising efforts, it might be a good idea to outsource your marketing efforts to a trusted team of professionals. As with most new endeavors, starting a Christian school requires research, preparation, and planning. Take this time to register for private school associations such as the National Independent Private Schools Association and National Association of Independent Schools. Piloted as a private tuition-free school, A+ UP was approved as a public charter school network. Several options are available for administrators looking for grants for private Christian schools. The ESEA strengthened these requirements by, among other things, requiring meetings with private school officials and a written affirmation signed by private school officials that the required consultation has occurred. Community leaders, educators, entrepreneurs, and groups of parents are all people who might consider starting a private or alternative school in order to provide opportunities for families. Her query highlighted the challenge that private schools face in finding grants, as many funders (both public and private) will consider only public-school applications. More than 27,000 private schools already operate in the United States, but there is plenty of room and need for more schools, as well as more variety. It will make your school a fun place to work and socialize, and everybody who passes through its halls, students and staff alike, will leave a little better than they came in. If you can achieve that it will be no small thing. Full-time tutoring can be rewarding because: You can build upon relationships you already have in your community. A reader who works for a private school recently sent me an eMail message asking for some grant-seeking advice. Grants are Available to Private Christian Schools A private school is defined as a school supported by a private organization rather than by the government and, in the case of a private Christian school, the organization is generally a church or other religious group. 8. In most small schools marketing tasks, such as they are, tend to be rolled into somebody else's portfolio. While many private tutors are successful on a part-time basis, supplementing their regular income, private tutoring can also make a great small business. A Christian school is a fantastic way to minister to families in your community and influence children for Christ.