Discus: The Other Frisbee Discus; a field event as ancient as the Olympics, is always underestimated. There’s so much more. In Western sculpture: Early Classical (c. 500–450 bc) …famous work is the “Discobolos” (discus thrower), of which a Roman copy (Museo Nazionale Romano) survives. Athletes will commonly throw four or six times per competition. Originally sculpted in bronze by an Athenian man called Myron (born in the fortress-city of Eleutherae in the 5th century BC), the statue has gained fame largely through its many bronze and marble copies made by the Romans. The sculpture was well-known…

Primary Category: Literature / Fiction. Four Appointments with the Discus Thrower Selzer, Richard. But they never do. The discus-thrower (Gk. The men’s discus has been part of every modern Olympics. £9,000. Furthermore the title "The Discus Thrower" is giving the reader a vision of what the patient looked like when he threw his breakfast... Wordcount: 538. Richard Selzer's "The Discus Thrower" uses extremely visual language. Discus throw, sport in athletics (track and field) in which a disk-shaped object, known as a discus, is thrown for distance. The Discobolus or "discus thrower" is one of the most iconic artworks of classical antiquity.

( See also Greek and Roman art .) Gelatin silver print. The Discus Thrower Richard Selzer I spy on my patients. The work adheres to the canon of ideal beauty proscribed by Polyclitus (fifth century BC) for an athlete at rest. Those in bed need only to look up to discover me. This discus thrower is a reproduction of a lost bronze original, made by the Greek sculptor Naucydes at the beginning of the fourth century BC. Annotated by: Woodcock, John. discobolus) has become the iconic image of the Olympic Games, and a fantastic representation of the athletic ideal. The Discus Thrower.

The enduring image of the Greek discus thrower comes from the iconic 5th century BC statue by the great sculptor Myron.

Greek sculpture.

Edition of 10. In the event of a tie, the winner will be … This is an archaeological museum with wonderful statuary including the discus thrower, two of them, in fact, one of which is the most complete of its kind. Oh, it is not all that furtive an act. 50 × 40 cm. In modern competition the discus must be thrown from a circle 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) in diameter and fall within a 40° sector marked on the ground from the centre of the circle. Ought not a doctor to observe his patients by any means and from any stance, that he might the more fully assemble evidence? Genre: Short Story.

The original Greek statue was cast in bronze in the mid-fifth century BC and continued to be much admired as a masterpiece into Roman times, when several copies were made before the original was lost.

A blind discus thrower has to train in a graveyard, with his son clapping to tell him in which direction to throw. Many believe discus is an event in which you throw a disc like a Frisbee, but it’s not.

The Discus Thrower, 1936. Another of Myron’s works surviving in copy is a sculpture of Athena with the satyr Marsyas (Athena in Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt am Main; Marsyas in Lateran Museums, Rome). This is part of a limited edition set. The thrower tosses the discus in the air, then adds some arm swing and the discus is released from the side of the body like an actual discus throw.

Discus thrower or "Discobolus".

The drills are designed to teach proper release technique and develop confidence that the discus will not fall off the hand if the implement is in motion. Originally published as "The Discus Thrower" in Jon Mukand, ed., Vital Lines: Contemporary Fiction About Medicine (NY: Ballantine, 1991).

It was also one of the five disciplines contested when women's athletics made its debut at … Then there are the mosaics which are entrancing, some with tesserae perhaps ¼” long, and with shading on the figures created by the use of different color pieces of stone.