By Charlie Sweatpants 4 Comments. Homer: Aah! Episode scripts; Compiled lists; Articles & editorials; Characters; Dictionary; Opening credits; media gallery.

Categories: The Simpsons Tags: Treehouse of Horror VI “Astronomers from Tacoma to Vladivostok have just reported an ionic disturbance in the vicinity of the Van Allen Belt. Treehouse of Horror VI Script. Pictures; Wallpapers; Promotional; Framegrabs; Magazine covers; Pixel art ; Ullman shorts; Simpsons clips; Extended gallery; fun & games. Secret Sound; Ultimate Simpsons Trivia; Online games; Console games; Simpsons widgets; members COMING SOON. OK, don't panic -- remember the advice your father gave you on your wedding day. -- "Treehouse of Horror V" A pterodactyl flies overhead, and Homer begins to panic. Scientists are recommending that all necessary precautions be taken.” – Radio Announcer .