In the third installment of the thrilling Amulet series, Emily, Navin, and their crew of resistance fighters charter an airship and set off in search of the lost city of Cielis, which is believed to be located on an island high above the clouds. Born in Tokyo, Japan #26. Deadline is reporting that 20th Century Fox has snapped up the rights to Amulet, the bestselling graphic novel series from Kazu Kibuishi, and is developing it as a potential feature film franchise. Comic Book Artist #11. Bolt City Productions is a small production studio dedicated to creating great books for readers of all ages. Kazu Kibuishi Is … Aries Artist #12. He and fellow illustrator and author Kate Beaton have both been nominated for the Goodreads Choice Awards for Best Graphic Novels & Comics. Kazu Kibuishi's enchanting series about two ordinary children on a life-or-death mission continues! Working alongside Kazu are talented artist/writers Jason Caffoe, Amy Kim Kibuishi, and a small color production team of digital painters from around the world. Most Popular #35636. 42 Year Old Artist #2. Kazu Kibuishi Popularity .