There are two main proteins found in milk, casein and whey. Hypothesis I believe that when the milk reacts with the vinegar it will turn into plastic. Make sure the mixture is not too hot, then slowly pour the milk out onto your hand (over the kitchen sink), "catching" the plastic …

data day 1: the milk looks soggie and wet and there are bubbles blowing from it day 2:the bubbles have vanished and the milk started to dry up day 3:the milk has vanished i think its because the white vinegar has sucked in all the milk problem statement/application day 4:the The aim is the goal of the experiment, for example, you may be turning milk into plastic. Variable The properties of the milk. Removing the water by filtering and drying in an oven leaves the casein as a brittle plastic. What is casein? Produced by Solar Spark, this activity allows students to make their own plastic from vinegar and milk. First of all, take 1 cup of milk and warm it in the microwave for about 1.5 minutes (you want it hot, but not boiling) Next, stir in 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Control I compared the results to other results of this experiment from the internet. Polymers: Turning milk into plastic Why We Wrote This. So the aim is to turn milk into plastic.

6. The independent and dependent variable connects by the independent variable is the milk changes from the vinegar and the dependent variable is it turning into plastic.

Add 4 teaspoons of white vinegar to one and half cups of skimmed milk. The curds can then be kneaded and molded as plastic. How can you turn milk into plastic? Method: 1. Stir continuously and watch closely. When Queen Mary of the United Kingdom stepped out for the evening near the turn of … This experiment lets us milk turn into into a solid and make plastic milk so we shall find out! Remove the saucepan from the heat as soon as you observe clumps forming in the milk. Plastics are all similar, containing molecules that are repeated over and over again into a chain called polymers.

Slowly squirt the vinegar into the warm milk and stir with the spoon or stir stick; 4. Turn milk into plastic using everyday household items!

Put a pint of milk into a saucepan.

Milk contains casein in a form that is soluble in water. Heat the saucepan on a stove using low to medium heat. The hypothesis is what you THINK will happen. What makes the milk turn into plastic? Making the milk acidic by adding vinegar makes the casein insoluble so the milk separates into a solid and a liquid known as curds and whey. Can this be done with soy milk? 4. Background info Milk can be turned into a casein plastic which has been used thought history since the 1930s and during the time plastic made from milk was quite common. Add six tablespoons of white vinegar and stir.