If you’re unable to establish a wireless data connection while at home or in your car, there are several workarounds you can try to fix your particular data connectivity problem.

I get this when it is connecting to LTE. - 4185 Boost Mobile Community is currently read-only.

Since getting the Pre, I've always been able to use the Sprint data networks (an "Ev" or "1x" icon always appear in the top-right corner of the display). Re: ERROR CODE: unable to establish a wireless data connection EHRPD:7 Thanks, we have reviewed the area, our Network Team has not notified us of any network issues on the location. So for the last week all three lines on my service (northern Ohio) have said they have LTE but will not connect to the internet in most places.
I have bars but it won't connect at all even after airplane mode refreshing. Occasionally it will start working by itself, but I often have to turn on airplane mode and back off or restart the phone to make it work again. Re: Unable to establish a wireless data connection Thanks for the suggestion. LTE: ESM- x EMM- 15 APN- n.boost.ispsn i have no 4G LTE at all, it changed to 3G yesterday - 83363 Boost Mobile Community is currently read-only. I get this when it is connecting to LTE. However after this the phone rebooted and ever since then I am getting notice saying "Unable to establish a wireless data connection EHRPD: 33". However, when I go to mobile connection settings and select CDMA only it connects to 3G with no problem and I can get online.

However, starting today a popup notification kept coming up every few seconds indicating that the phone was unable to establish a data connection.

However, when I go to mobile connection settings and select CDMA only it connects to 3G with no problem and I can get online. Unable to establish a wireless data connection. For a few months now I've been getting "Unable to establish a wireless data connection" intermittently, even with full bars. Please use the My Boost … However after this the phone rebooted and ever since then I am getting notice saying "Unable to establish a wireless data connection EHRPD: 33". Lets try some troubleshooting, Although enjoying the Connection Optimizer's capability of automatically signing me in to WiFi at work and stores, it did cause me some grief with automatically enabling WiFi and connecting to a weak WiFi signal. In this article, we’ll explain how to make data faster for iPhones and Android phones. LTE data hasn’t worked in the last week on all three of my lines.

unable to establish a wireless data connection boost mobile