CARING: promoting health, healing, and hope in response to the human condition VALUES OF. Lab values to know for NCLEX are in this playlist. These professional values adopted by nurses’ act as the principles, ideals and standards held by nurses to give meaning and direction to their daily conduct. The National League for Nursing promotes excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of our nation and the global community. NURSING. Nursing Management (Springhouse): February 2020 - Volume 51 - Issue 2 - p 5 doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000651196.93811.79 Personal needs, wholeness, development, and behavior are all important factors in a person’s overall growth. Don't forget about the review quizzes: As nurses we are responsible for caring for patients during birth, death, illness and healing. CORE VALUES. When we act in ways inconsistent with our values, we're uncomfortable and we can even experience moral distress.

Ms Beal said a key to the nursing strategy’s success was that its six core values had been underpinned by a framework setting out various action points at local and national level, which were backed by the Department of Health, Public Health England, Health Education England, regulators, employers and nursing … Professional values of nursing Laura Mcclymont-Allen Nur403 July 19, 2010 Stephanie Merck Professional values of nursing Professional values guide the decisions and actions we make in our careers. An individual must first find true meaning and passion in the self before prioritizing other values. Values are important because they influence decisions and actions, including nurses ethical decision making.

Nursing considerations for serum iron: Recent intake of a meal containing high iron content may affect the results.

; Drugs that may cause increased iron levels include dextrans, ethanol, estrogens, iron preparations, methyldopa, and oral contraceptives. By: Balderama, Jonathan Bantolinao, Margery Khaye KEY TERMS: Values - are enduring beliefs or attitudes about the worth of a person, object, idea, or action. In this section of the NCLEX-RN examination, you will be expected to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of laboratory values in order to: Identify laboratory values for ABGs (pH, PO2, PCO2, SaO2, HCO3), BUN, cholesterol (total) glucose, hematocrit, hemoglobin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HgbA1C), platelets, potassium, sodium, WBC, creatinine, PT, PTT & APTT, INR Drugs that may cause decreased iron levels include adrenocorticotropic hormone, cholestyramine, colchicine, deferoxamine, and testosterone. Nursing practitioners and their professional bodies define these professional values as standards of behavior for acceptable action. My personal values on nursing metaparadigms begins with understanding the self.

values of nursing