Kauai Visible. Visible Images - 1 kilometer resolution Infrared Images - 4 kilometer resolution . Oahu and Maui Visible. The origin (0,0) is in the upper left hand corner of the image.
State Visible. This website is supported on a Monday-Friday basis, so outages may occur without notice and may not be immediately resolved. State Infrared. This back-scattering property is called "albedo". The visible satellite imagery is essentially a snapshot of what the satellite sees, unlike Infrared (IR) satellite imagery, which depicts the temperature of the clouds. In winter, snow-covered ground will be white, which can make distinguishing clouds more difficult. VISIBLE IMAGERY: Visible satellite pictures can only be viewed during the day, since clouds reflect the light from the sun.
Visible Satellite for United States This map shows how the human eye would see the atmosphere from the satellite.
Text Products Jump to the Satellite Imagery. Visible and Infrared Imagery This imagery combines the latest half-hourly GOES infrared and visible images with NASA's "Blue Marble" data set to create real-time animations of the weather systems over the continental United States during the past 72 hours.
Clear form if you wish to click on the current image. This web site should not be used to support operational observation, forecasting, emergency, or disaster mitigation operations, either public or private. Alternatively: If you would like to consistently receive the same area, enter a center X, Y coordinate.
can tell you something about the thickness of clouds, but only inferences can be made about their location (altitude) in the atmosphere. While derived from operational satellites, the data, products, and imagery available on this website are intended for informational purposes only. Note: Imagery and loops on this site are intended for informational purposes only, they are not considered "operational". Please direct all questions and comments regarding GOES-E (GOES-16) images to: Visible satellite imagery... is based on the brightness of objects that scatter visible sunlight back to the satellite. It displays the weather systems and patterns that may affect your area.
Unless otherwise noted, the images linked from this page are located on servers at the Satellite Products and Services Division (SPSD) of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS).. On these images, clouds show up as white, the ground is normally grey, and water is dark.