The Waimakariri District Council is encouraging households to sign up to text or email alerts so they don't miss their kerbside collection day. We have adjusted our rubbish and recycling services. Rubbish, both for bins and Council branded bags will be moving from a weekly to a fortnightly collection – this will alternate with your recycling bin.

Waimakariri District Council, Rangiora, New Zealand. Search Address. Paint, engine oil and ammunition are all items that can't be accepted in your rubbish collection. Waste disposal, diversion and recycling services are available at local transfer stations at the Southbrook Resource Recovery Park and the Oxford Transfer Station. With the arrival of three kerbside collection trucks, Waste Management is set to start its new collection contract with Waimakariri District Council on Monday 1 July. It …

Powered by Waste Management NZ The ReSale Store and Cust Rural Recycling Drop-off will remain closed.

Information about our rubbish and recycling collection service for wheelie bins and rubbish bags. There are a number of things you can do to reduce the amount of waste that you send to landfill: Find out about our recycling and green waste services. Paint, engine oil and ammunition are all items that can't be accepted in your rubbish collection. Mandatory fields are marked with a asterisk. Council’s solid waste asset manager Kitty Waghorn tracks the long trail of consultation in search of a new waste collection service. With the introduction of our rubbish and organics bins there will be a few changes to our kerbside collection service. The Council provides a number of waste services for the District's residents, businesses, schools and visitors: A kerbside collection service for organics, recycling and rubbish.

Bin care.

The first of Waimakariri's new rubbish and organics bins will be delivered this week. Here's some tips for using your red bin. Enter your address below to see your collection days. Waimakariri District Council's official Facebook page. This option doesn’t decrease the amount of compostable waste going to landfill in our District. Rubbish, recycling, and glass can, therefore, all be put into either the red or yellow wheelie bins for collection. Download our free mobile app to find your collection day. In 2019, the Waimakariri District Council entered into a new expanded kerbside collection service where it introduced optional organics and rubbish wheelie bins for residents and businesses within the Council's kerbside collection area.