Columbus Police Department Founded in 1831 as a one-man Department under Ephraim C. Brandy, The Columbus Police Department is committed to providing the citizens of Columbus with excellence in law enforcement that will improve the quality of life for all residents of the Chattahoochee Valley. The Columbus Division of Police is the main policing unit for the city of Columbus, Ohio United States.

02/05/17 Criminology Reference this Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. By Victoria Crispo at Idealist Careers; Share post; This article was originally published by Idealist Careers and is reproduced here with their consent. It looks after the safety of the neighborhood and prevents crime by patrolling the area. Discuss the special problems that must be dealt with in organizing a police department that operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day They have a 3 tour system with 8,10 and 12 hours shifts. 1114 words (4 pages) Essay in Criminology. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Working across departments: why it's important.

The subdivisions include the Public Accountability, Patrol Operations, Special Operations, Criminal Investigations, Community Services and Support Services.
The main functions of a local police unit are: 1. The department works diligently behind the scenes to ensure an organization runs efficiently. For example, the police may be called on to search homes for survivors following a tornado or earthquake. The human resources department handles a range of different functions within an organization. The four types are line, line and staff, functional, and matrix. The problems are with the officers getting tired and can't go home if they are at a crime scene just because their shift ends, also the hour differences can disrupt homes. It is the largest police department in the state of Ohio, and among the twenty-fIve largest in the United States. The four main functions of the local police is maintain order and/or peacekeeping, to serve the people of the community, to gather informatoin, and to enforce the laws. 3.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are … The crime is increasing day by day with the increase in the complexity of the civilization. The Division covers 20 precincts across the greater Columbus metropolitan area, while serving nearly 800,000 residents. To perform the job duties of a police officer, members of the police force train frequently on community safety, firearm use, laws and rules of order … Columbus Police Department. 2. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. In case of a crime, it investigates the matter and brings the criminals to justice. Police are one of the most ubiquitous organisations of the society. Police departments typically use one of four basic organizational types. The police are primarily responsible for the maintenance of public order, prevention and detection of crimes in the state. - learn more Columbus Division of Fire Find out about the many services provided by the City of Columbus Division of Fire including fire stations, inspections, safety resources and frequently asked questions.