The visit iPhone Settings, Notifications, WhatsApp, Show Previews and select Never. In this case, we recommend re-saving the contact on your phone. This means that the person who is blocked on WhatsApp will not be able to see the Whatsapp status or image of the person that blocked them.
Can’t see a contact’s profile information - Privacy settings allow you to hide your last seen, profile photo, about, status, or read receipts.
Open WhatsApp, then tap the new chat icon > More options > … Contact Names Not Appearing in WhatsApp The problem of WhatsApp displaying Phone Numbers instead of displaying Contact Names is not uncommon in Samsung Galaxy and other Android Phones.
WhatsApp is used by billions of users around the world and at times they have outages in certain regions, so you will need to check that too to check if whether WhatsApp is down or not. If you are new on WhatsApp and if you have changed your privacy settings unknowingly, that can cause you to not see last seen time of people.
- Click Apps/Application Manager to display all the installed applications on your phone. You can follow the steps below to simply remove the useless data of WhatsApp: - Tap on the Settings icon on your Android phone. Make sure all of WhatsApp's permissions are granted in your phone's Settings app > Apps > WhatsApp > Permissions. The people whose name you cannot see, even if you have saved their number is because they decided not to write their name while installing whatsapp. For the users who do not open their WhatsApp frequently and only check the messages when they receive a notification, this would be an important feature for them. That is, when you install whatsapp, you get an option in the second or third step to write your name which will appear when you are a … Downdetector is a site that monitors outages 24/7. To turn on previews that display the contact name but not message: Go to WhatsApp > Settings > Notifications > turn Show Preview on.
If you disable your “Last Seen” section from privacy, you won’t able to see others. We are … You have changed privacy settings of your WhatsApp. In this case, any Whatapp user can block a contact as long as they have their phone number. To turn off previews: Go to WhatsApp > Settings > Notifications > turn Show Preview off.
To do so: Open your phone's Settings, then tap Users & accounts > WhatsApp.
Make sure Do not disturb is turned off or you have allowed WhatsApp notifications in priority mode in your phone's Settings app > Sound > Do not disturb. You can check the status of WhatsApp by referring to WhatsApp’s Twitter page or by checking Downdetector. You’re WhatsApp has not synchronized …
If they delete your contact, and you send a message from your Whatsapp account, they will see only your number without your name show up.
The most common reason for new WhatsApp Contacts not showing on iPhone is due to WhatsApp not having access to Contacts on your iPhone. If the above process doesn’t work for you then, you have to repeat the same process vice-versa i.e You have to ask your contact (Who’s DP not showing ) to delete your number from their contact list and save it again using a different name. - Now you can scroll down the page and tap on WhatsApp from the listed Apps. In most cases this problem occurs due a temporary software glitch and should get automatically corrected after as you continue to use your Phone.
We will tell you solution for this problem both on iPhone and Android for WhatsApp. WhatsApp Contacts Not Showing Names on Android Is your WhatsApp showing numbers instead of the names of your contacts? Go to iPhone Settings > Notifications > WhatsApp > Show Previews > Never. 2. In most cases this problem occurs due a temporary software glitch and should get automatically corrected after as you continue to use your Phone. Effective Ways to Fix WhatsApp Notifications Not Working on Android (10 Tips) When somebody sends you a WhatsApp message, the application will notify you with a red dot.
Believe it or not, when it comes to communication, WhatsApp is the most used platform by every age group. The Whatsapp user name will not override your contact name save by your friend on their gadget. WhatsApp contacts not showing names can occur because of two main things: You do not have that phone number saved into your contacts list, so WhatsApp will not recognize it.
Then refresh the list.