Click the lower-left Start button, enter schedule in the empty box and select Schedule tasks from the results. You can check the definition of these types of error codes by using the net helpmsg command in the command prompt window. This section contains code examples that illustrate how the Task Scheduler API is used and XML examples that show how tasks are defined in the Task Scheduler schema. If a remote Task Scheduler 1.0 task is disabled by Schtasks.exe and the remote computer has the File and Printer Sharing firewall exception enabled and the Remote Scheduled Tasks Management firewall exception disabled, then the task will not be disabled when read from a Task Scheduler 2.0 API.

API topics include a description of the API, the declaration syntax of the API, remarks that describe special conditions for the API, and a requirements block that describes what platform, header files, and libraries are required. Most of these examples are stand-alone code that can be run independently, or pasted into a larger application and modified to the requirements of the application. This section describes the APIs, scripting objects, and XML schema that are provided by the Task Scheduler. The Task Scheduler schema defines valid XML used to register tasks with the Task Scheduler service. 4 ways to open Task Scheduler on Windows 10: Way 1: Open it in the Start Menu. A task expires after the end_boundary has been exceeded for all triggers associated with the task.

Tap the Search button on the taskbar, type schedule in the blank box and choose Schedule tasks. The amount of time that the Task Scheduler will wait before deleting the task after it expires.

Some Task Scheduler APIs can return system and network error codes (64 for example). This is in the ISO 8601 Duration format P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S . Developers can create their own XML, validate it against this schema, and register tasks using the ITaskFolder::RegisterTask method. For example, the command net helpmsg 64 returns the message: The specified network name is no longer available. The types and elements of the Task Scheduler schema are individually documented in the following sections. Way 2: Turn on Task Scheduler via Search.

windows task scheduler documentation