Welcome to our Macros guide for Classic woW. Otherwise, it will cast "Mind Flay". Useful for baiting counterspells. Macros are short code scripts that help players combine spells and abilities to perform powerful combos. one button mind flay / mind blast macro Does anyone have a very good macro using mind flay and mind blast only? WoW Classic General Discussion.
I found this macro very handy: /#showtooltip Mind Blast /use 13 /use 14 /cast Inner Focus /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear /cast Mind Blast Finally, I would cast my mind flay macro.

If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic Priest addons and macros. Something like the following: /say … Hey, I think that castsequence does not work properly.

... Castsequence did not exist in vanilla and perhaps they have disabled or altered it in Classic. Drawbacks: Without this macro, casting Mind Flay with a single tick remaining will cause that tick to be added to the new cast. WoW Classic General Discussion.

They call us lazy, we call it smart. WoW Classic. Clip-prevention Mind Flay . either a regular macro or a gnomesequencer one , i currently use gnomesequencer and this: /cast Mind Blast /cast mind Flay /cast Mind Blast but im not sure if you can do better than that , i currently delay mind blast sometimes , im not sure how much dps it cost me. a macro so mind flay won't cancel before it uses all of its ticks if you use it again. WoW Classic. Jizhi-zandalar-tribe September 6, 2019, 8:49am #14.

Dottie-thunderhorn ... Vampiric Embrace, Mind Flay, Mind flay. You can test this out in-game without a macro, your next Mind Flay cast may include the lost tick and be somewhere from 2.3 seconds to 2.7 seconds, it varies but it includes the clipped tick from the previous cast, try it out before you use the macro. General Information. ... Vampiric Embrace, Mind Flay, Mind flay. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Shadow Priest in World of Warcraft — Battle for Azeroth (BfA) 8.3. safes you alot of mana.
Cherrios-drakthul 2019-09-04 22:03:45 UTC #1. That way you can spam the spell without accidentally interrupting yourself. Prevents clipping off the previous Mind Flay before its full cast: #showtooltip /cast [nochanneling] Mind Flay Focus: both This macro is spammable you will not be able to cast Mind Flay until you are no longer casting a channeling spell Works in 5.4.2 One-button Mind Flay and Mind Sear

Replace Mind Blast with your own personal favorite.) Useful Priest Macros : Mind blast while using Inner Focus on every CD.

wow classic mind flay macro