But that's not actually strictly true. There are small fluctuations across the surface, in the rigion of +/- 50 milligals, where 1 Gal is defined as 1cm per second squared.

The anomalies highlight variations in the strength of the gravitational force over the surface of the Earth. You'll often here people saying gravity on Earth is a constant, 9.81 ms-2. 3d Model of Earth's gravity fluctuations Physics Astronomy Maps Gravity. Rotate. 2 Minute Read GOCE managed to map the gravitational strength of the Earth beneath it to a precision of 10 –5 m/s 2. Go to Mount Everest (middle) if you want to lose weight (Image: GGMplus/Curtin University) Want to lose weight fast? In physics class we're taught that Earth's gravity is 9.8 meters per second squared. Earth's mass, however, isn't distributed evenly. A Map of Earth’s Gravity (Feedloader (Clickability)) By Sarah Zielinski smithsonianmag.com July 2, 2010. It was recorded by the European Space Agency's GOCE satellite. The new Earth gravity map, which was unveiled in late March, is the most accurate model of gravity fluctuations around the world.

While we commonly quote the gravitational force … Varying surface topography and the continuous movement of water cause different parts of the globe to have more or less mass than other regions. Animate. New Gravity Map Reveals Lumpy Earth The best map yet of Earth's gravity field can help track ocean currents and study the forces behind major earthquakes, experts say. Map of Earth's Gravity. Earth 19 August 2013 By Jacob Aron.

Gravity anomaly maps (see globe below) show how much the Earth’s actual gravity field differs from the gravity field of a uniform, featureless Earth surface. Gravity map reveals Earth's extremes. Gravity anomalies are often due to unusual concentrations of mass in a region. Since 2002, NASA's twin GRACE satellites have mapped Earth's gravity (the attractive force exerted by its mass), enabling scientists to see these differences and monitor how they change over time. World Gravity Map (WGM) denotes a set of 3 global anomaly maps of the Earth’s gravity field realized by the Bureau Gravimétrique International (BGI), a service of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG).

Gravity map of Earth