Launch Date/Time: 1973-05-14T17:30:00Z Launch Vehicle: Saturn 5 Launch Site: Cape Canaveral, United States Decay Date: 1979-07-11 Trajectory Description. Skylab Launch #469776 NBC Evening News for Monday, Apr 16, 1973 View other clips in this broadcast → Material supplied by VTNA may be used for educational analysis or research only. The Skylab orbital workshop was launched on May 14, 1973, on the Saturn V launch vehicle (Skylab 1). Skylab 1, the first launch of the Skylab program, was an unmanned launch to place the Skylab orbital workshop into a correct orbit. So, as the launch day for Skylab 1 approached- I was glued to the TV. The space vehicle consisted of a Saturn IB launch vehicle S-IB-207 first stage, S-IVB-207 second stage, and a S-IU-208 instrument unit; a CSM; and a spacecraft lunar module adapter. The Skylab 3 space vehicle was moved to KSC Launch Complex 39, Pad B, on 11 June in preparation for launch. Date: November 16, 1973 Skylab 4 is the third and last of three scheduled manned Skylab missions. No description available. The liftoff was at 9:01:23 a.m. Skylab 4 Launch A sunrise view at the KSC showing in the near distance the Skylab 4/Saturn 1B Space Vehicle on Pad "B", Launch Complex (LC)-39, on the morning of the launch.

On 25 May 1973, the first Skylab crew, led by veteran astronaut Charles Conrad, lifted off from Kennedy Space Center. The Skylab 1 payload included four of the five major components of the space station-Orbital Workshop, Apollo Telescope Mount, Multiple Docking Adapter, and Airlock … The launch of the Skylab Saturn V, AS-513, took place 40 years ago today, on … Launch Information.

The unmanned Skylab 1/Saturn V space vehicle is launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, at 12:00 noon (EDT), May 14, 1973, to place the Skylab space station cluster in Earth orbit. One golf course groundkeeper from Albany in Western Australia stumbled across a three-foot long, (0.9m) 2lb (0.9kg) chunk of twisted metal from Skylab. The first Skylab crew, scheduled to lift off the day following Skylab's launch, was delayed while tools and techniques were quickly developed to repair the crippled station.

In addition to the CSM and its launch escape system, the Skylab 4 space vehicle consisted of the Saturn 1B first S-1B stage and the Saturn 1B second S-IVB stage.

Trajectory Details

After Skylab's dramatic fall to earth, there was a frantic scramble to find bits of debris with cash prizes on offer. Skylab 3 (also SL-3 and SLM-2) was the second crewed mission to the first American space station, Skylab.The mission began July 28, 1973, with the launch of three astronauts in the Apollo command and service module on the Saturn IB rocket, and lasted 59 days, 11 hours and 9 minutes. Aboard the Skylab 4 Command/Service Module were Astronauts Gerald P. Carr, Edward G. Gibson and William R. Pogue. Launch of the unoccupied Skylab, designated Skylab 1 (the occupied missions were officially designated Skylabs 2, 3 and 4, but are generally referred to as Skylabs I, II and III, and are referred to in that manner here) took place on May 14, 1973, and problems set in early on. Image Number: S73-37929.

Skylab launch date