Don’t get confused. Re : E: unable to locate package [Résolu] À mon avis c'est bien ça, le PPA dispose du paquet pour intel x86 et x64, mais pas pour ARM Pour passer un sujet en résolu : … E: Unable to locate package acccheck E: Unable to locate package acccheck E: Unable to locate package multiforcer E: Unable to locate package rainbowcrack. I have a new machine with LINUX Red Hat 5 installed.
Location: … I'm having issues with my ubuntu server version 12.04 installed on a HP550 laptop, when i try sudo apt-get install
, e.g apache2 it will not work, saying E: Unable to locate package apache2 .
When apt-get install is unable to locate a package, the package you want to install couldn't be found within repositories that you have added (those in in /etc/apt/sources.list and under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/).. Type the following command to start the tool
it doesnt want to download any tools? How to fix “Unable to locate package” while trying to install packages with apt or apt-get using GUI tools. “Unable to locate package” while trying to install packages with APT (5 answers) Closed 6 years ago . Previous Post.
As I try to use command dos2unix I got: Code: -bash: dos2unix: command not found How can I ... dos2unix: command not found. For your information: I don't have a /var/log/messages file. I'm a beginner in using docker and i'm trying to build my own image.
Active 2 years, 6 months ago. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 6 months ago.
But, if you have a gnome or kde or any other Ubuntu Linux desktop installed simply try a tool called software-properties-gtk.
I have the following Dockerfile . An Idea that inspired – IoT/Drone. Unable to locate package libgstreamer0.10-dev on Ubuntu 18.04 0 libboost-all-dev and python-* like packages unable to locate package and ```sudo apt update``` did not work Next Post. Unable to locate package when building Docker.
The error triggered in the terminal (Unable to locate package), says basically that the package cannot be found in the repositories list of apt that you have currently in your Kali Linux.
Software tab.
As I try to use command dos2unix I got: Code:-bash: dos2unix: command not found. I’ll explain it for you. Here I provide a basic/general answer.
Either the package available in Universe repository and your system hasn’t enabled it or the package is not available on your Ubuntu version altogether.
More than one remote source not supported.
In this short article, we will explain you how to install the checkinstall package adding some … Viewed 403 times 1.
sudo apt-get install dos2unix.
Registered: Apr 2010. The following (general) procedure helps to solve this: Make sure you have enabled Ubuntu repositories: How can I install this command? There are many questions about this topic. Now Unable To Locate Package on Kali Linux was successfully fixed, and you can install any tool on kali linux.