Step 2. On IOS devices, you might be asked to open this page in iBooks. 5.0 out of 5 starsGreat Intro to iBooks Author and Publishing to the iPad Reviewed in the United States on March 10, 2012 I read Publishing with iBooks Author because I am scoping out the iBooks format for some potential personal projects.
If so, click "Open." 5.0 out of 5 stars thorough intro to iBooks Author... December 7, 2014 I grabbed this book because I am looking forward to try out new platforms and didn't want to put all my eggs in the amazon basket...and this book was a good read as it throws light on the requisite essentials for publishing through iBooks. I give Apple iBooks 3 out of 5 stars on the simple reason their free books or lower priced books are not in an interesting genre. They are usually romancing novels or really old classics that if you are an avid reader you would've read these classics in letting us say middle school.
Click on "Reviews" then "Write a Review" Step 4
iBooks Author is a word processing software, similar to Pages (Apple’s main word processing application, which is a part of iWork bundle). It should take you directly to the book's review page where you can leave your review. Step 3. Even though if you don’t have much experience with page layout design and text formatting, you’ll surely begin to …
The book should now open in iBooks.
As a technical writer, I … Click on the "Leave Your Review" button just under the iBooks heading. But despite these problems, iBooks Author is an amazing program which enables anyone to create a polished interactive ebook in little time.