These two products are generated from the satellite data in 10 days, with a spatial resolution of 3 km, and they include the white-sky albedo and black-sky albedo in visible and near infrared boadband (0.4-1.1 μm). using GOME, Meteosat, and ancillary geophysical data Jean Verdebout European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Space Applications Institute, Ispra, Italy Abstract. • Spatial resolution: 0.5 / 1.0 km (solar channels) and 1.0 / 2.0 km (thermal channels) - For imagery on local scales (1/4 of full disk) the spatial resolution is 0.5 km with 4 channels at high spatial resolution 0.5 km (2 solar), and 1.0 km (2 thermal channels) 3. Together these are called ATOVS data. The Meteosat-8 satellite belongs to the second generation of Meteosats and is much more capable than the first generation Meteosat-7 — delivering imagery from 12 instead of 3 spectral channels, with higher spatial resolution and with an increased frequency, every 15 instead of every 30 minutes. Carried on the MTG-Imager satellites, this new instrument is the natural successor of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVRI) carried on the current Meteosat Second Generation satellites.

Hence, in general, if you insist on "very high" spatial resolution (say, sub-meter), you will be able to acquire such images very infrequently. RESOLUTION ON THE METEOSAT THIRD GENERATION PREPARATORY PROGRAMME Presented for adoption at the 62nd Meeting of the EUMETSAT Council on 26-27 June 2007, entered into force on 25 June 2008 The EUMETSAT Member States, HAVING REGARD to the objectives of EUMETSAT, which are to establish, maintain and exploit European systems of operational meteorological satellites, and to … It is generated in a five-day composite period and in a single-day time-step. A pixel is the smallest area unit in a digital image. The Meteosat … The EUMETSAT Member States, HAVING REGARD to the objectives of EUMETSAT, which are to establish, maintain and exploit European systems of operational … Where SEVRI has 12 spectral channels, MTG’s Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) has 16 channels. The size of the pixel is dependent on the sensor type and determines the resolution of the image. Introduction to Remote Sensing. Presented for adoption at the 69. th Meeting of the EUMETSAT Council . You can see some sample results here. The additional eight channels are in the thermal spectral domain between 3.8 and 13.3 μm, delivering data with a 2 km spatial resolution. Meteosat satellites are spin-stabilised with instruments designed to provide permanent visible and infrared imaging of the Earth. It operates at wavelengths between 0.3 and 13.3 microns, and has a spatial resolution of … This method is called Cold Cloud Duration.