He has been a regular columnist for Vanity Fair, New York, The Hollywood Reporter, British GQ, USA Today, and The Guardian.He is the author of several books, including the bestselling Burn Rate and The Man Who Owns the News.He lives in Manhattan and has four children. Michael Wolff's new book about President Trump, Siege: Trump Under Fire, offers many surprising stories — but its power to shock may be limited. President Donald Trump has stepped up attacks against a new book by Michael Wolff about his campaign and the early days of his presidency, calling it "full of lies." Michael Wolff says that the accounts in his second book on Donald Trump's presidency are "crazier and crazier" than the first as Trump becomes more isolated in the White House.
When Wolff was later penning a regular column for New York magazine, book editor Judith Regan called foul on a column about her, as did Andrew Sullivan. Michael Wolff, the author of the new book “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” extracts from which set the Internet ablaze on Wednesday, is an experienced magazine journalist. Michael Wolff Defends Claim That Mueller Probe Considered Indicting Trump The author of the forthcoming book Siege: Trump Under Fire, defended an … Both disputed Wolff’s portrayals of them. Why Michael Wolff’s New Book May Not Exceed Sales of “Fire and Fury” – Variety …
Michael Wolff has received numerous awards for his work, including two National Magazine Awards. Sources say that Michael Wolff's "Siege: Trump Under Fire" does not have the same pull as "Fire and Fury."