Proteus (PROcessor for TExt Easy to USe) is a fully functional, procedural programming language created in 1998 by Simone Zanella.Proteus incorporates many functions derived from several other languages: C, BASIC, Assembly, Clipper/dBase; it is especially versatile in dealing with strings, having hundreds of dedicated functions; this makes it one of the richest languages for text manipulation. Proteus [pro´te-us] a genus of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, motile, rod-shaped bacteria. In Greek mythology, a shape-shifting sea god who was the shepard of Poseidon's seal flocks 2. a blind, aquatic salamander with permanent gills, found in caves 3. an inspirational Edmontonian DJ who fused breaks and house music In Greek mythology Proteus was a prophetic old sea-god and the herdsman of Poseidon's seals. Thayer's Greek Lexicon. Proteus meaning in other languages. ... Rate this definition: Proteus. Organisms are found in fecal material, especially in patients treated with oral antibiotics. P. mira´bilis is a leading cause of urinary tract infections. Proteus in Greek. What does PROTEUS mean? English to Greek Dictionary gives you the best and accurate Greek meanings of Proteus Proteus definition: a prophetic sea god capable of changing his shape at will | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Proteus Greek meaning along with definition. 1. ; Proteus, an Egyptian king in a version of the story of Helen of Troy. Proteus (prō`tēəs, –tyo͞os), in Greek mythology, prophetic old man of the sea who tended the seals of Poseidon.He could change himself into any shape he pleased, but if he were nevertheless seized and held, he would foretell the future.
Proteus nearby words. NAS Word Usage - Total: 156 before 3, best 1, first 128, first of all 2, first importance 1, first man 1, first one 1, first things 1, first time 1, foremost 5, leading 2, leading man 1, leading men 5, outer 3, previous 1
In Greek mythology, Proteus (/ ˈ p r oʊ t i ə s, ˈ p r oʊ t. j uː s /; Ancient Greek: Πρωτεύς - protos, "first") may refer to the following characters.. Proteus, a minor sea god and son of Poseidon. Dictionary entry overview: What does Proteus mean? first, at the first. a minor sea god and servant of Poseidon: he can change his form or appearance at willOrigin of ProteusMiddle English Protheus from Classical Latin Proteus from Classical Greek … Proteus meaning in Greek. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. first in rank . in any succession of things or persons.
proteus translation in English-Greek dictionary. Menelaus, a hero of the Trojan War, encountered Proteus during his return voyage to Greece, and upon capturing him compelled the god to prophesy the future. 1. was capable of changing his shape at will. (Greek mythology) a prophetic god who served Poseidon; was capable of changing his shape at will. 4409. próteuó ... Word Origin from prótos Definition to have the first place NASB Translation have first place (1). influence, honour ; chief ; principal. Definition of PROTEUS in the dictionary.
Proteus definition: Gr. Definition: first in time or place .
In Greek mythology, a shape-shifting sea god who was the shepard of Poseidon's seal flocks 2. a blind, aquatic salamander with permanent gills, found in caves 3. an inspirational Edmontonian DJ who fused breaks and house music Myth.
Proteus was a primordial deity in Greek mythology, protector of the seas, rivers and other bodies of water.
Protean definition, readily assuming different forms or characters; extremely variable. He was one of the figures that Homer called Old Man of the Sea.. Proteus lived in Pharos, an island off the the coast of the Nile Delta.
2. type genus of the Proteidae Familiarity information: PROTEUS used as a noun is rare. Greek meaning of word Proteus. • PROTEUS (noun) The noun PROTEUS has 2 senses: 1. Proteus definition: a prophetic sea god capable of changing his shape at will | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Topic: Greek mythology. Proteus Synonyms. "Proteus" (Greek mythology) definition: a prophetic god who served Poseidon. Greek translation of Proteus. Information and translations of PROTEUS in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. P. morga´nii is found in the intestines and is associated with summer diarrhea of infants. Cookies help us deliver our services. See more. Information and translations of PROTEUS in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What does PROTEUS mean?
Meaning of PROTEUS. Definition of PROTEUS in the dictionary.
According to Homer, he was the master and herdsman of sea monsters and sea animals. protean: [adjective] of or resembling Proteus in having a varied nature or ability to assume different forms. Meaning of PROTEUS.