The fluorescent yellow-green color scheme in this instance indicates that there are pedestrians present as well as a school zone. Correct: A School Crossing sign is a safe zone for children crossing the road to and from school.
New fluorescent yellow-green signs may also be used. Always be ready to Stop when children are crossing the road. Do not drive forward until the crossing guard signals you. Slow down and obey signals from all crossing guards. School zone times. Design Custom School Zone Traffic Signs. Watch out for children crossing the street or playing. Slow down – school zones have a speed limit you must observe. School Zone Sign – this sign is used to identify the location of a designated school zone, warn drivers that they’re approaching a school area, or warn drivers that they are approaching a school zone crossing. Obey signals from any crossing guards. This range of Child & School Signs are designed to warn drivers of school zones, parking areas and crossing areas. Be ready to stop. The most common school zone speed limit is 40km/h. The numbers will refresh the next time you access SchoolZone. They help enforce the speed limit and other traffic rules to keep children and others safe.
It’s easy to add school district information or mascots to your custom school zone road sign. Generally, the standard times that most school zones apply in Queensland are 7–9am and 2–4pm. The school zone times for each school are listed on the school zone sign. Five-sided sign back on yellow is used only to warn of schools and school crossings. When you sign in to SchoolZone, the numbers that appear in the menu bar tell you how many new posts have been added since you last signed in. SchoolZone sends a parent notification email daily starting at 4 p.m. that includes details about the updated section and title of the post.
School Zone. Choose from a range of background colors, shapes, and materials. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. School Crossing & School Zone Signs Attention-grabbing school signs that enhance traffic safety in school zones Maintain a high level of school safety on an affordable budget with an MUTCD-compliant school zone sign for nearly any situation.