The researchers also ranked them by popularity. The Brainiacs. Cliques can create a sense of safety and inclusion for their members, cultivating a multitude of positive experiences and workplace memories for employees. But unlike high school, workplace cliques can affect employee morale, productivity, and your company’s bottom line. What you can do about cliques in the workplace. Recognize your team members’ value. 6 Reasons Why People Are Bullied at Work By. 4. Another way that workplace cliques can affect employee morale is by making a big deal out of the things they do together. How to manage workplace cliques. On the flip side, workplace cliques can be detrimental to your success at work by using their power to bully, intimidate, and/or sabotage those in the clique and those outside of it. Model the behaviors and the atmosphere that you expect from your staff. High School Cliques Now Fall Into 12 Categories, Study Shows. The bad cliques seek to dominate instead of collaborate with other employees and groups. It’s not surprising that workplace cliques are similar to high school cliques. On the individual level, we included the effect of gender as a control variable for mixed-gender cliques (girls = 0 and boys = 1). Pre-selected groups also give employees the opportunity to learn how to work with different types of people. Video of the Day. If a person doesn’t want to be involved with the inner clique, they can feel ousted from offering their ideas at meetings or excluded from working on a project. Sherri Gordon. Reviewed by. Sherri Gordon. July 27, 2018. by Yolanda Porter in Office Tips. Cliques can work across departments and accomplish just about any task. Practice your core values. This type of worker will convince you that midday doughnuts are a good decision, or that your boring salad isn’t good enough for lunch, and pizza is definitely the way forward. Be willing to listen. And although, these type of dominating workplace cliques yield considerable influence and “power” at the workplace, you may also want to stay clear of them. Some of the more common types of cliques found include: jocks, tomboys, cheerleaders, mean girls, foreigners, gamers, hipsters, hippies, troublemakers, peacemakers, class clowns, "cool kids", arty intellectuals, gangsters, wangsters, "ghetto kids", stoners/slackers, girly girls, scenesters, scene kids, punks, preps, skaters, goths, emos, skinheads, geeks/nerds, and drifters. The Rabble-Rousers. They’ll ask about lunch orders at 9:10am and will bring you irresistible home-baked cookies on the day that you plan to … We conducted the analysis with a two-level structure for boys’ cliques, girls’ cliques, and mixed gender cliques separately, with individuals (level one) nested in cliques (level two). 2. Sherri Gordon is a published author and a bullying prevention expert. 3. 5 minutes 7 shares. 1. Kinds of Cliques in the Workplace. To get this right, the respect has to start at the top. On the clique level we controlled for clique status and clique size. Whatever the motivation employees have for attaching themselves to co-workers, the attachment has both positive and negative repercussions.
Jan 9, 2019 FatCamera Getty Images. Learn about our editorial process. 5. The Toadies. The Gossip-Mongers. Cliques form at work for a number of reasons, including shared interests, similar personalities, or proximity in working environments. Set expectations.