VA Issues Notice of New Physician Pay Ranges. ... but received $11,189 in performance pay. Since 2004 VA provides these services to all eligible Veterans either on-station or through community care at all medical centers. Background: This Instruction has been revised to incorporate the following amendments. Another physician continued to practice medicine for three months at a VA … Similar to the private sector’s 401(k) savings plans, the TSP allows employees to tax-defer a portion of their income each year, subject to the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service. FERS is a three-tier retirement plan composed of Social Security benefits, FERS basic benefits and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Instruction 590-1: Title 38 Physician and Dentist Pay (PDP), dated January 1, 2016. National Association of VA Physicians and Dentists, Washington, DC revised the physician and dentist pay ranges effective October 11, 2009 reflecting additional [PT]. The VA’s performance pay policy gives the department’s 152 medical centers and 21 networks discretion in setting goals physicians and dentists must achieve to receive this pay but does not specify an overarching purpose the goals are to support, such as improving health care outcomes and quality. Because Dr. Lopera is an Electrophysiologist he meets the criteria for Table 7. In fiscal 2011, the VA paid roughly 80% of its nearly 22,500 providers nearly $150 million in performance pay, at an average of $8,049 per provider who received the pay. ~401k) matching is 5%. SERVING FEDERAL PHYSICIANS … 2) market based pay (e.g.
Alternatively, you may print and mail-in VA Form 21-526EZ, Application for Disability Compensation and Related Compensation Benefits or call VA at 1-800-827-1000 to have the form mailed to you. Read More 1901. On December 9, the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a notice of annual pay ranges, which includes base pay and market pay for physicians, dentists and podiatrists in the Veterans Health Admini. VA employees are covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). Contact: Sarah Blugis, [email protected] Requires Locality Pay System for PAs, Similar to Nurse Practitioners and Physicians. how difficult it is to recruit/retrain in a given location) 3) pay for performance (maximum of 7.5% of #1 plus #2, depending on your performance as monitored by the bean counters) Example compensation 1) base salary 99k 2) market pay 51k 3) performance pay 10k net: 160K TSP (i.e. VA giving big bonuses to absent, unlicensed, incompetent doctors. Congress Moves to Improve Pay for PAs in the VA. Material Superseded: HHS Instruction 590-1: Title 38 Physician and Dentist Pay (PDP), dated March 28, 2013. The major provisions of the law established a new pay system for Veterans Health Administration (VHA) physicians and dentists consisting of base pay, market pay, and performance pay.