That's clearly not an intended thing and has happened in my game as well as others in weird points of our city's lifespan, usually tens of hours into a city, usually after loading up a save. Dylan Graves and Vans' series for surfers with a novel kink, "Weird Waves", continues. But nobody is really wanting to do that. I wouldn’t place it above Tavarua or Indo or anything–but boy does the Eisbach River produce a couple of fun-looking sections.

This time Dylan is joined by Tanner Gudang and Keoni Lasa as they head to the birth place of the standing river wave in Munich, Germany. Rather than being a chance culmination of rocks and water, this wave has been brought about through some good old human engineering. Some waves are beyond perfect, offering surfers potential 10-second tubes. Jan 29, 2019. Weird Waves Episode 5 – The Finale: Dylan Graves And Tanner Gudauskas Surf The Eisbach In Munich, Germany The original weird wave gets the treatment it deserves from Vans in the season finale. Other waves at Sandspit can get weird — very weird. The Zambezi in Africa has a great one that's sadly under threat from a hydro scheme. For the last episode of the season, “Weird Waves” host Dylan Graves and good friend Tanner Gudauskas travel to Munich to visit the Eisbach River and to get a little insight into the surf culture surrounding the spot. Are weird waves a little different as the river is always flowing? Dylan Graves and Vans' series for surfers with a novel kink, "Weird Waves", continues.

How long is long? WEIRD WAVES. Cause as long as the water level stays right, you can ride as long as your body will let you. This time it's part two of their stream surfing expedition. Weird Waves Season 1: The Severn Bore UK. There are scores all over the world suitable for a wiggle. It seems to be a bug as the drying up and flooding occurs in waves. This is it, Season 1 of “Weird Waves” by Vans has come to an end. A couple years ago, Graves started filming a new series called “Weird Waves,” in which he traveled to places like Wyoming and Texas to find the most bizarre, unconventional waves in the U.S. This river wave is slightly different though. With his work on lake, river or ocean, Graves has created a Weird Waves community that spans the globe. In the first episode, Graves and crew went to Wyoming to surf a river rapid, and in the second, they jetted off to Texas to surf the wake of a barge. The plan is to meet up with Guinness World Record holder for longest ride on the Severn River, Steve King. Yeah the dynamic changes a bit.
Did you encounter any localism issues? ... Static river surfing, as pioneered on the Eisbach in Munich, is to be found wherever there's what the kayak sorts call a standing wave. Happy Monday, Weird Waves with Dylan Graves is back! Especially in standing river waves. Carve Surfing Magazine | Issue 200. On this episode of Weird Waves, Dylan Graves intends to find out.

And it's filmed on location in the always offshore Oregon.

weird waves river