The single leg tricep dips is a modified version of regular tricep dips with some added benefits. 8. To begin a single leg balance reach, find your stabilizing leg and bend your knee. Step 3. Using a stability ball rather than bench hones in on single-leg hip stability even further. Benefits: This advanced hip thrust variation builds your glutes and hamstrings by training one leg at once, helping to correct any muscle imbalance between legs. You will feel the muscles in your stabilizing leg burn and work. Repeat this as many times as you can. 8 – Single-Leg Eccentric Stability Ball Leg Curl I don't use the stability ball much, but I like it for leg curls.

Single-leg stability ball hip thrust. As with bench dips, this exercise also tones and tightens your triceps, helping you get rid of flabby arms, and strengthens your upper body.

Step 2.

By raising one leg you’re also engaging your glutes, hamstrings, and quads and you’re strengthening your lower body at the same time. DEMONSTRATION.

Raise your other foot off of the ground a few inches. The beauty of this exercise compared to a machine leg curl is that the glutes must fire to keep the hips extended while the hamstrings work to resist knee extension during the eccentric component and flex the knee during the concentric component. Take the leg that has the foot slightly off of the ground and reach it forward, back then across out to the side.