1. Weight Loss.
It is prepared from grains. When it comes to whisky and weight gain, the following is the kicker. If you're watching your sugar intake, straight hard alcohol such as whiskey and brandy won't put a dent in your daily allowance.
Health Benefits of Whiskey.
But if you're trying to lose weight, you also need to be concerned with the number of calories you're consuming. While a healthy diet and exercise should not be traded in for a fifth of whiskey, studies have proven that drinking whiskey can aid in weight loss.
Whiskey is a popular alcoholic drink consumed all over the world. It is usually consumed during lunch and dinner thereby providing a soothing taste and effect along with digestion aid. That's because the sugar in whiskey and the sugar content in brandy are both 0 grams per ounce. By curbing appetite, you are likely to feel more full and less likely to munch away on a bag of potato chips.
Most people don’t consume huge amounts of whisky in a single sitting but even if you drank half a bottle (350ml) of 40%ABV whisky, you are only consuming 771.5Cal (3,239.5kJ) from alcohol. Different varieties of whiskey are available providing unique flavour, aroma and elegant colour.