save hide report. What is the fall height for an automatic kill of a zombie pig man as i am building an AFK gold farm that will use hoppers to automatically collect everything. ... 23 block fall = 1 hit kill 24 block = dead Also, I made a floor of half slabs as my building platform, but sometimes i've seen pigmen spawn on it (they aren't dropping on it from above. Minecraft PC . I have multiple zombie pigman farms. I have them fall into a tunnel that's 2x2 then I have lava blocks on a redstone timer close for like 5 seconds and open for 5 seconds so they die on the lava blocks when they hit, then the ones that survive they get crushed once it opens up then closes again.
3 comments. Zombie pigman question about fall damage.
share. pc. Zombie Pigmen are very dangerous when provoked due to their pack nature. This thread is archived. 99% Upvoted.
How high would a zombie pigman need to drop for a 1 hit punch to finish him?