Also referred to as Melting Heart Pose, this posture quite literally invites the heart to melt down toward the ground, stretching the spine in both directions. See that your shoulders are above your wrists and your hips are above your knees. An intelligent pose to help lengthen the spine and relieve mental stress, uttana shishosana (OO-ta-NAH she-SHO-sahna), is a hybrid pose — a cross between balasana (child’s pose) and adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog). PUPPY POSE. Walk your hands forward a few inches and curl your toes under. In English, it is also called Melting Heart Pose and Puppy Dog Pose. As you exhale, move your buttocks halfway back toward your heels. Yogapedia explains Extended Puppy Pose. Extended Puppy Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions. Step 2. More yoga poses for the spine. PUPPY POSE (ANAHATASANA) HOW TO PERFORM • From a tabletop position, pad the hands away from you and take them at with the arms as wide as your mat. Extended Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana) is like the perfect combination of Downward Dog and Child’s Pose, and can be used as a variation of either. 1424 Views. As the name suggests, this pose would resemble a puppy taking an intense stretch forward with it’s entire body. 0. Step 1. Though in this pose, the stretch is intense with the body on all fours, yet the body feels relaxed and is considered a posture to relax the muscles after an intense practice of other poses related to the shoulders and the back. Additional benefits of extended puppy pose include: In Sanskrit, extended puppy pose is also known as uttana shishosana. Though in this pose, the stretch is intense with the body on all fours, yet the body feels relaxed and is considered a posture to relax the muscles after an intense practice of other poses related to the shoulders and the back. Allow your head to relax down between your shoulders resting either the chin or the forehead to the mat. Uttana means intense and Shish means Puppy in Sanskrit. As the name suggests, this pose would resemble a puppy taking an intense stretch forward with it’s entire body. Come onto all fours.

SHARE. Extended puppy pose helps to realign the spine and is a good preparation for backbends such as camel pose. Uttana means intense and Shish means Puppy in Sanskrit.