Contribute to MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs development by creating an account on GitHub. Load-balance traffic across VMs inside a virtual network. However, it’s important to remember, the BIG-IP provides a variety of application services including WAF, Federation, SSO, SSL Offload, etc. The BIG-IP can be deployed behind and Azure load balancer to provide Active / Active high availability. Load Balance traffic across Azure VMs within Azure VNET (Including traffic from on premise) within a single region. The virtual networks needed to be in the same region. Azure Load Balancers. You can also reach a load balancer front end from an on-premises network in a … Azure Container Instances (ACI) is a serverless container platform that enables anyone to run one or more containers in Azure in seconds with a single CLI command or API call and be billed per second. Azure Container Instances (ACI) across 3 regions in under 30 seconds with Azure Traffic Manager. Azure Load Balancer :-Load-balance incoming internet traffic to your VMs. Network Load Balancer relies on Domain Name System (DNS) to distribute requests from clients to the Load Balancer nodes deployed in multiple Availability Zones. Internal Load Balancer (Basic / Standard) Forward traffic to a specific port on a specific VM behind the load balancer (not to any VM , but to a specific VM). Global VNet Peering now supports Standard Load Balancer. With this announcement, this is no longer the case. Azure Load Balance comes in two SKUs namely Basic and Standard. This meant that in scenarios where the clients were caching the DNS information of a zonal Network Load Balancer, … The Standard Load Balancer is a new Load Balancer product with more features and capabilities than the Basic Load Balancer… Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure. "Healthy Virtual Machine" is a Virtual Machine which returns a Success Code for the health probe sent by the Azure Standard Load Balancer. Because Traffic Manager is a DNS-based load-balancing service, it load balances only at the domain level. Azure Load Balancer is the first generation Load Balancing solution for Microsoft Azure and operates at layer 4 (Transport Layer) of the OSI Network Stack, and supports TCP and UDP protocols. Previously, resources in one virtual network could not communicate with the front-end IP address of an internal load balancer over a globally peered connection. Prior to this support, Network Load Balancer routed requests only to targets located in the same Availability Zone. Additional Definitions "Load Balanced Endpoint" is an IP address and associated IP transport port definition. It may seem strange to “load balance” a load balancer. Traffic Manager is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that enables you to distribute traffic optimally to services across global Azure regions, while providing high availability and responsiveness. This configuration is known as a public load balancer.