Consumer Complaint Use our online Consumer Complaint Portal to file a complaint with DFS. If you have a complaint with a financial product or service, tell us about your issue—we'll forward it to the company and work to get you a response, generally within 15 days. You can call us on Freephone 0800 347 257, or email us at or You can also check the status of a complaint, or add information,such as Letter of Authorization (PDF), to an existing complaint. We resolve complaints against financial service providers. Be aware that we may share a copy of your complaint with the company or individual you are complaining about. Start a new complaint The Consumer Complaint Database is a collection of complaints about consumer financial products and services that we sent to companies for response. Our Office of General Counsel drafts and reviews legislation, regulations and circular letters, conducts disciplinary and other hearings, issues legal opinions, and renders legal advice to DFS staff. June 5, 2020 BSI Financial Services response Good Morning Ms. Hadlock, I'm sorry to read your review as a new customer.I see that your loan was serviced transferred on 06/02/2020.
Skip to main content Un sitio web oficial del gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos We are independent, fair and free for consumers. Complain about a financial service or product Follow the company’s complaints procedure. We’re working remotely and here to help you.