Mu Cephei is so large that its actual apparent disk is readily discernable with professional telescopes!

It is one of the largest stars known at around 1650 times the radius of our own sun, around 1.1 billion km. The distance to Mu Cephei is not very well known.

If you want that in miles, it is about 49,163,884,575,994,239.81, based on 1 Ly = 5,878,625,373,183.61 miles. This red variable star located in the direction of the constellation Monoceros is about 20,000 light-years from Earth. (b) Calculate the distance to Mu Cephei in light years.

Rigel in the constellation of Orion is one of the brightest stars in the sky. Coordinates: 21 h 43 m 30.46 s, +58° 46′ 48.2″ Mu Cephei (μ Cep, μ Cephei), also known as Herschel's Garnet Star, is a red supergiant or hypergiant star in the constellation Cepheus.It appears garnet red and is located at the edge of the IC 1396 nebula. Another, VV Cephei A, like Mu Cephei, is a red supergiant and a semiregular variable star, located at least 5,000 light-years from Earth.

Mu Cephei, also known as Herschel's Garnet Star, is a red supergiant star.
Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa), is the brightest star in the night sky and one of the nearest star systems to Earth.

In that case, other tools must be used to determine distance. The deep orange-red color of this red … VV Cephei A. VV Cephei A is a class M2 red supergiant which may be as large as 92% the size of Saturn’s orbit. Over one billion of Earth's suns could fit inside of Mu Cephei. A very luminous red supergiant, Mu Cephei is the largest star visible to the naked eye, and one of the largest known.

If you want that in miles, it is about 7,955,955,221,305,502.27, based on 1 Ly = 5,878,625,373,183.61 miles. The largest star that scientists have discovered is called Mu Cephei.

Mu Cephei will most likely end as a supernova; with either a neutron star or a black hole remaining. (2 marks) (c) Mu Cephei is possibly the largest star yet discovered. Mu Cephei (μ Cep, μ Cephei), also known as Herschel's Garnet Star, is a red supergiant or hypergiant [14] star in the constellation Cepheus.It appears garnet red and is located at the edge of the IC 1396 nebula. To find the Garnet Star, place Alpha Cephei at the northwestern edge of a 5° field and Mu will be diametrically opposite. Using the original Hipparcos data that was released in 1997, the parallax to the star was given as 0.39000 which gave the calculated distance to VV Cephei as 8363.16 light years away from Earth or 2564.10 parsecs.

mu cephei distance from earth