Top Answer.
In this Nintendo DS game, players are agents assigned by their agency to help the mayor stop a notorious thief from stealing an ancient treasure. ... Do what he says follow the riddle 1st go to the traing field find something sparkling.
MySims Agents for the Nintendo DS hosts similar gameplay to its Nintendo Wii counterpart. Adventure through ancient temples and ski chalets as you collect evidence and handy secret devices!
Prepare to battle Morcubus, the lord of the criminal underworld. In MySims Agents, players are the heroic agents who must stop a sinister plot that threatens the fate of an entire city. Recruit other special agents to build your sleuthing dream team.
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For MySims Agents on the Wii, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "My Sims Agents Forensic puzzle help? Math Whiz How do you answer the math question to open the door to find the secre.. missions How many missions are there on the ds game. The fastest jumble solver site, built to work great on both desktop and mobile devices.
puzzle in the cave under water. For real. Uses the same free dictionary as most of the major cell phone word games. How do you find the other half of the stone art'erfact.
I Survived Minecraft For 100 Days with Tors And This Is What Happened - Duration: 30:02. This is one of my favorite Wii games of all time and I really wanted to share … 2010-02-21 18:55:06 2010-02-21 18:55:06. ... my sims agents in the space of 2 weeks im only 11 and a … After some more conversation Poppy comes in looking for help. Help for MySims Agents on Wii, Nintendo DS. Game Questions & Answers (Q&A) service lets you ask questions about video games for game consoles or PC games. These puzzles require you to determine the number and color of dots that belong in the tile with the question mark on it by reducing the possible answers one tile at a time. Question for MySims Agents. If anyone has beaten the game, please let me know how to solve this, or at least give me a hint, cos this is killing me!
What do you do after your done doing the puzzle on my sims agents?
More help, hints and discussion forums for on Supercheats. How do I get passed the puzzle On the iland????? What do you do AFTER you perform the play in Cyrus's mansion? By Allen Rausch on September 30, 2009 at 6:37PM PDT
How do I get to the book in cyrus's library ?
V 1.0 1/22/10 - First complete version.
I'm on the boardwalk level, and I'm trying to figure out how to get Chad's motorcycle to work again-- but the gear puzzle is ridiculously hard.
I guess we will find out!
MySims Agents Answers Question List. WHAT IS THE ANSER TO THE PUZZLE ON SECRET ISLAND, MySims Agents Questions and answers, Nintendo DS
Game File : MySims Agents (USA) Wii ISO Game Size : 2.0GB Game Console : Nintendo Wii Game Region : USA Game Genre : Action, Puzzle Game Release Date : MySims Agents (USA) Wii ISO Credits MySims Agents (USA) Wii ISO Guides MySims Agents (USA) Wii ISO Cheats MySims Agents (USA) Wii ISO Guides MySims Agents (USA) Wii ISO Trophies MySims Agents (USA) Wii ISO Reviews MySims Agents (USA) Wii ISO … Similarly, in each row and in each column no two tiles can have dots of the same color. Can you and your team outwit Morcubus? So ask your MySims Agents question for Nintendo DS and get answers from other gamers or answer questions and share your insights and …
MySims Agents Review It may look like a little kid's game, but the latest entry in the MySims series is the best to date. But it is a lot of fun to play and it warrants a guide, so here we are.