A Rafflesia flower can grow up to a metre in diameter, and the biggest can weigh up to 7kg. It produces no roots, stems or leaves.
The size of the flowers depends on the type of plant. A woman leans over a rafflesia flower, which can reach three feet in … Alongside their rarity, size and unusual appearance, it is the strange lifestyle of Rafflesias that make them so fascinating. This was a sign posted by the Malaysian University. The Rafflesia flower extends nearly 3 feet across and can weigh up to 15 lbs. The diameter of the colors of the Rafflesia rhizantes and saprias ranges from 10 to 20 cm. Native to rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia, the flower can be up to … The rafflesia, a parasitic plant, lives only on the tetrastigma vine in the jungles of Sumatra and Borneo. The World’s Largest Flower – Rafflesia. Sounds like an alien invasion right? There are 13 species of Rafflesia remaining. The only visible part of the plant is a single flower that has no leaves, stems or roots. Among all of the large flowers, Rafflesia arnoldi produces the largest single bloom. The patm is much smaller - only thirty centimeters. I figured it was best to grab a shot with someone next to it just to show its sheer size.
Rafflesia arnoldii, commonly called the corpse lily or stinking corpse lily, is a species of flowering plant in the parasitic genus Rafflesia.It is noted for producing the largest individual flower on Earth. Despite having such a huge flower, the parasitic plant has no root or stem and grows inside its host, a Tetrasigma vine, which is of the grape family. The Rafflesia is a totally parasitic flower. By Jeanna Bryner 11 January 2007. This was the first Rafflesia flower we came across that day. ... What makes this so special is its size. Shares. Thus it is a headline-making story. Approximately 17 species of rafflesia exist. After taking over the host plant, the rafflesia flower bursts through the host plant. There are 20 Rafflesia species in the world, with Malaysia and Indonesia having eight species each. World's Largest Flower Finally Finds Home. It has a very strong and unpleasant odour of decaying flesh, earning it the nickname "corpse flower".It is endemic to the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. For example, the weight of arnoldi rafflesia can be up toten kilograms, and the diameter of the opened bud - up to a meter. They come through this jungle area periodically to track the Rafflesia flowers. One of them was over three feet in diameter! Color - brownish-reddish, with large white spots. The cabbage like bud of the Rafflesia lies apparently 'dormant' for up to 16 months before blooming. It produces the world's largest flower, which measures up to 3 feet across and weighs 15 pounds, according to the Library of Congress.