SCP 096 should also technically be immortal. Guards and MTF will fight the Scp's. I also have a suggestion: The Foundation, basicly sites will spawn. Browse and download Minecraft Scp Mods by the Planet Minecraft community. Its skin and eyes seem to be void of any pigmentation. SCP Foundation Add-on V3 (The New Beginning) (1.13+) ... but I would love if you would make the exact same SCP was the SCP lockdown mod from Minecraft forge. Most scps will be hostile towards the staff.

It seems to be suffering heavy malnutrition, for its ribs and spine are very visible through the skin. I got the inspiration from an add on on minecraft PE. SCP-096 appears to be an unusually thin, pale humanoid. However these have staff members and D class in there. ... Ok it’s a really cool mod, but a couple of requests. Its arms are extremely elongated, along with its jaw, which can open up to four (4) times the average maximum size of a regular human's jaw. I love this mod, Keep up!