Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Temperature of water and air, precipitation, amount of days with rain and advice on the best time to visit Salzburg. Montly weather forecast in Salzburg on Yandex.Weather.
Weather warnings issued. Information about regional climates. ☂ Online precipitation map and other weather maps.
Salzburg Weather in May 2020 Salzburg in May Salzburg weather in May is pretty cold, especially at night time, with temperatures of 9° and 20° degrees, so don't forget to pack warm clothes with you. Day by day forecast. Weather forecast in mobile app. The amount of rain in May is high with an average of 129mm (5.1in). Average Weather during May in Salzburg (Salzburg), Austria The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Salzburg in May is 7.0°C (44.6°F).
Average Weather during May in Salzburg (Salzburg), Austria The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Salzburg in May is 7.0°C (44.6°F). Travel guide and advices. Today’s and tonight’s Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Weather in Salzburg in May: air temperature, number of sunny days, precipitation, air pressure and humidity. Salzburg, Austria - May weather averages including high and low temperatures, humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine, UV index, and sea temperature. Forecast - Salzburg. Salzburg - Weather warnings issued 14-day forecast. Weather in Salzburg in May 2020.
Weather phenomena recorded in previous years in Salzburg ☃ Water Temperature in localities in Salzburg ☀ Weather forecast for Salzburg in May ☔. The amount of rain in May is high with an average of 129mm (5.1in). Current weather in Salzburg and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days Tonight , Light rain and light winds. Read an overview of the climate. Last updated Tuesday at 02:01.