To protect your pet from rabies you are urged to have your dog or cat vaccinated. Proof of immunization and sterilization (if applicable) is required at the time of licensing. Test Ticks by NJ Labs. Dog and cat license forms available for download. Multi-year dog licences are now available in local service districts. You must also show proof of rabies vaccine to apply for a license. Location New Brunswick, NJ 08901 . Signs and Symptoms of Lyme Disease; Tick on My Cat; Tick on My Dog; Other Tickborne Diseases. Description. Email . New Jersey Dog/Cat License Application Last Year’s Fees: Non-Sterilized $18.00 License Number: Sterilized $13.00 Veterinarian’s Name: Rabies Vaccination Date: Vaccination Expires: PROOF MUST BE PROVIDED FOR VACCINATION (MUST BE VALID THROUGH NOVEMBER) Telephone # Present Dog’s / Cat’s Name Sex Breed Age Long or Short Hair Color Sterilized Owner’s Name: Address: … Primary Menu. Phone number: 973-509-4973. You may obtain dog or cat licensing in the Office of the Municipal Clerk, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, …
A one-year licence costs $15, a two-year licence is $25 and a three-year licence is $35. Proof of immunization and sterilization (if applicable) is required at the time of licensing. Dog licence application form on the My Parish Online website About dog licence s. All dogs aged six months or more must be licensed each year under the Dogs (Jersey) Law 1961. Each licence is specific to one dog and can't be transferred to another dog. Eligibility . Licenses can be obtained by contacting the Municipal Clerk's Office at (973) 284-4955 or email . All dog and cat licenses expire on April 30 each year. Licenses may be renewed each June and are valid for one calendar year. Telephone 732-249-0148 . Tick Identification; Lyme Disease. It does not matter if you have registered in the middle or the end of the year. Cat and dog licenses are provided by the Office of Vital Statistics in the Department of Health and Human Services: Office of Vital Statistics, Montclair Department of Health and Human Services Montclair Municipal Building 205 Claremont Avenue Third Floor Montclair, NJ 07042 . You don't need a licence if the dog … Anaplasmosis; Babesiosis; Borrelia Miyamotoi; Ehrlichiosis; Rickettsioses; Tularemia; Tick Tests & Pricing. There will be a $5.00 per month late fee assessed for each pet registered after February 1st. Dog owners in local service districts . All licenses MUST be renewed by January 31 of the new year. Free Rabies Clinics are offered in April.
The Division of Animal Control licenses all pets and exotic animals kept in the City of New Brunswick in accordance with Municipal Codes 6.04 and 6.08, Animal Control works in a coordinated effort to protect residents, pets and stray animals.