Successful treatment of trigger finger is possible and many people are able to recover without surgery. Many trigger fingers (or trigger thumbs) in adults can be successfully treated without an operation! In my view operation of a trigger finger is the ultimate and not the first choice. A tourniquet is applied in the upper arm to stop the blood flow to the hand for the duration of the procedure (to reduce the bleeding). Try out a natural treatment for the cure.
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Many of the patients prefer home remedies for trigger finger to avoid the risks of surgical procedures. Avoidance of repetitive gripping with the affected hand can help reduce symptoms. Read about causes, symptoms, and treatment with and without surgery of trigger finger (stenosing tenosynovitis), which may result from rheumatoid arthritis or scarring around the tendon. Problem solved Dr. DeHaan and the team at the OAM Hand & Upper Extremity Center often advise that patients try more conservative treatments, when available, before considering surgery. Trigger finger is a condition in which a person’s finger locks or catches if they try to straighten or bend it. There are surgeons who considered conservative treatment of trigger finger or thumb as unreliable and longstanding.
Gentle exercises with the hand and finger followed by warm water soaks can help maintain mobility of the affected finger and decrease irritation in mild cases of trigger finger.
But the vast majority of trigger finger patients Dr. DeHaan treats are able to have the simpler, non-invasive surgery.
One of the first steps in starting a treatment for trigger finger or trigger thumb is to give as much rest to your fingers as possible. Home remedies can often treat it. Surgery is indicated if the finger is in a permanently flexed position or if non-operative treatment has not been successful.
An estimated 85% of instances of trigger finger can be treated without surgery, though the odds of this go down if the condition goes untreated for six months or more. Considering these requirements, a new product is introduced offering trigger finger treatment without surgery to the patients suffering from trigger finger. Operative treatment. Surgery is performed under local anaesthetic as a day case. If left untreated, the finger has a chance of becoming permanently stuck in a bent position. Non-Surgical Treatment for Trigger Finger. Non-surgical therapeutic options for patients with mild trigger finger may include: Work/Activity Modification. Should a trigger finger always be operated? The true percentage of trigger fingers that would have fully improved without treatment is likely underestimated in this study for 2 reasons: Firstly, the majority of patients who opted for surgical correction were not willing to wait for spontaneous resolution. Surgery is not for everyone!